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5 Ways to Use Social Media for Education

Mandeep Singh
Nowadays, Social Media provides better communication between students, teachers, and parents. We can use Social Media in the classroom to sharing announcements, e-learning, group discussions, and so much more. Let’s discuss how to use social media for education.

Get Up-to-date with Facebook Page (Updates and Alerts)

Ask Student to follow Class’s official Facebook page and post daily updates from homework assignments to lectures and what’s ongoing in class. It will help students to stay up to date on all of the daily announcements and updates. Parents can also involve a teacher's activity.

Create a Blog for Discussions

Creating Blogs may be a great educational way to publish assignments and keep students and parents up to date on class alerts and much more. Students can also participate or discussion by commenting on posts. Students can use blogs to publish their own stuff on assignments.

Create a Forum and Discussion Group

Ask students to post their questions, queries, and comments so that teachers can address their problems in the Classroom. Also encourage parents to participate in the same, so it’s the perfect way to stay in touch with students, teachers, and parents.

Create Facebook Polls and Broadcast Live Updates

Facebook Polls can be used to get feedback from students and parents about anything. Create polls around trending topics, and get your students up-to-date with trends. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have polling options and Also use the Facebook Live feature for group discussions.

Use YouTube for Educational Videos

YouTube is another most used Social media tool for educational purposes.  Enhance your students learning experience by posting educational videos.
Contact a reliable seo company to create engaging videos. YouTube provides all these materials for free, and it can be accessed anywhere without even need to sign up for a YouTube account.