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Creative Presentation Ideas for School Projects

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
School projects should not only indicate your understanding of the subject, they should also score high in terms of creativity. This story provides a few cool presentation ideas for school projects.
School projects are a great way of showcasing your talent, skills, and other learning abilities. They provide you a platform to implement your theoretical knowledge in a way that also reflects your creativity.
Presentations for school projects allow you to convey your ideas to others in an effective manner. There are numerous media and techniques you can use for making your presentation unique and interesting.
Ideas for a Creative Presentation for School Project

Remember, your presentation carries as much importance as your project implementation and idea. You will be wasting a great project idea by creating a boring presentation. On the other hand, a simple project topic can be presented in an enticing way by using some creative ideas.
PowerPoint Presentation

Yes, no matter how clichéd it sounds, this can still be your most helpful tool when it comes to delivering a great presentation. Many students do not realize the true potential of this program, and create slide after slide of boring textual presentation.
PowerPoint offers you so many features such as charts, graphs, and tables which can be used to create interesting content. Besides, you can also insert pictures, videos, and other graphics related to your project.
For instance, if you are making a presentation on the culture of a country, then it would be interesting to include some pictures or videos of the natives of that country. This can keep the audience engaged in your presentation.
Billboard Presentation

If PowerPoint presentation is not for you, then you can make use of large charts, billboards, etc. Affix photographs and drawings in an interesting manner. Give bold and catchy captions for the photographs, and write the content in an attractive way. You can also make a nice collage on a large billboard.
For instance, if you are making a project on animals or plants, you can affix large photos of different animal and plant species, and write requisite information.
Hand out Brochures

A small booklet that explains your project can be distributed at the beginning of your presentation. This will give the audience a basic idea regarding what to expect from your presentation.
Besides, you do not have to waste time explaining the basics of the project and can move directly to the main points. As the audience can take the brochure home, they can also implement your project ideas on their own.
For instance, if your project is on an art form such as origami, then you can give directions in the brochure on making origami objects.

Your audience is more likely to pay attention to you, if you show them what your project is all about rather than explaining it verbally. Enacting the theme of project is a good idea. You can request your classmates to act out the part. You can also use interesting costumes and props for added effect. Demonstrating your project is yet another effective idea to capture the attention of your audience.
For instance, if your project is about a certain cuisine, then you can consider cooking the recipe right in front of your audience. They also get to savor the recipe later, which only adds to the fun quotient.

An interactive presentation keeps the audience engaged, and also ensures that your project idea is conveyed clearly. You can invite the attention of your audience by asking them questions, arranging games, puzzles, etc.
For instance, if your project idea is related to history, then you can make a small questionnaire based on your project. Then, take a quiz and give out small prizes to the winners.
These were just a few ideas. You can come up with innovative ideas on your own, so as to create a unique project. You can even make your own website. Many websites offer free templates and hosting for your website. You can provide the url at the end of your presentation, so that your classmates can view it at a later date.