Have you ever come across a situation where you are successfully able to eliminate 3 out 5 options but fail to get the right option out of the two options left? Well, you are not alone. Many candidates have the same issue.
What if I say you choose the option that you never opted for, earlier. So, if your final answer between options C and D is “C”, then go ahead and mark “D” as your answer, considering your history of choosing the wrong option every time before this.
I am just trying to help you considering your history. If you are stuck between 2 choices and have been getting it wrong all this while, it actually means that you are unable to identify what is wrong with the option you selected as the final answer. This is the problem which needs to be addressed.
Sentence correction is very tricky. Sometimes the easy question is actually the tricky one. Therefore, here are tips to help you tackle the section better.
Identify what SC concept is being tested.
Look for subject verb mismatches.
Don’t get confused by pronoun ambiguity.
Don’t eliminate choices based on idioms right in the beginning.
Don’t get misled by red herrings.
Treat all options equally.
Pick up clues from non-underlined part of the sentence.
Option A may not always give the right meaning.
Always substitute the choice in the original sentence.
Don’t follow blanket rules.
Remember these tips and for a detailed explanation of each of these, visit Crackverbal’s GMAT sentence correction tips. Every rule has exceptions, so do not eliminate any choice outright just because it has ‘being’ or an ambiguous pronoun. Keep your options open and evaluate each of them.
There are few things in the GMAT pattern that can help you decide better.
For example, GMAT prefers active voice over passive. It prefers a concise statement over a wordy one. Also, scan the shortest option for errors if you are in doubt, and select it if you don’t find any other better choice.
Use these to identify which answer choices you need to be wary about. Lastly, if you are stuck between the last 2 options and have spent 90 seconds already, just pick an option using one of the thumb rules and proceed.