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How to Choose a College

Kanika Khara
A college is a place where every student aspires to be after completing their high school. Since there are thousands of colleges and universities in the country, it becomes difficult to decide which one is best for you.
Higher education paves a path for your career and shapes your personality. It can propel your career in the right direction, and provide you with golden job opportunities. It helps in developing analytical and reasoning abilities in you, and enhances your communication skills.
It is a place that encourages you to pursue your career in the field that interests you the most, and can develop your hidden talents by enabling you to participating in various extra-curricular activities.
Therefore, you should conduct a self-assessment, in which you should ask yourself what field you excel in and enjoy the most?. This will give an idea of the career you should choose, and will also help you in choosing the right college for the purpose.
It is always better to evaluate your skills and interests before choosing, as these precious years can either help you move forward or restrain you from fulfilling your potential.

Tips for Choosing a College

It's not easy to pick the best college, as there are so many that you can easily get confused. But always remember that you shouldn't simply go after the 'reputed' colleges, as there are many that may be less famous, but are worthy of your attention.

Type of College

Apart from the type of funding they receive (public or private), colleges can be categorized into research and teaching institution. Out of these two, which one you choose depends on your career plans after you complete your college education.
Another point that has to be considered is whether you want to take a two-year degree course by joining a community college or a four-year course by joining a university.

Campus Environment/Infrastructure

This is one of the most vital factor. The quality of infrastructure is seen in whether it is equipped with proper classrooms, administrative buildings, workshops, computer labs, laboratories, seminar halls, student clubs, gym, etc.


Just having a good infrastructure is not sufficient. Try to get an idea of the faculty and their teaching experience from someone who attended the institution.

Size of The Class

Classes may range in size from small (less than 2,500 students) to very large (more than 12,000 students). You should be very careful as the number of undergraduates may not exhibit the class size or the number of departments or faculties in the college.
Due to this, you may either feel overwhelmed by the number of students, or more challenged to excel in such an environment.

College Fee

Another important point to be considered is the fees. But you shouldn't rule out colleges just because of their cost, as there are many that offer scholarships, financial aid, and tuition installment plans or grants for students.
Choosing a college just because your special someone or friends are going there should not be a criterion of selection. You should evaluate each and every point on the basis of your personal preferences, like whether you will be able to adjust with the college's social and academic environment.
College life is a big turning point in every student's life, and lots of patience and thoughtfulness is required while making a selection.