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How to Deal with College or University Rejection

Hemangi Harankhedkar
It can be very difficult for a student to deal with the feeling of being denied admission to a college or university he or she wished to get into. The following story would help you deal with the situation in a positive way...
It is a competitive world and as far as college admissions are concerned, a candidate has to compete in this rat race. Most students these days are concerned about the brand image and wish to get into the top universities. This has made the competition even more fierce. Students do work hard and put in all their effort to get into their college of choice.
But on some occasions, no matter how much effort the student puts, destiny has its own plans. Many students who get rejected find it difficult to cope with the situation and these rejections have often led to a negative outlook in students. I agree that dealing with the situation is difficult, but it is not impossible.

Dealing with Rejection from College

Manage the Negative Thoughts...

It doesn't matter how strong a person is mentally, the feeling of rejection can make anyone sad and wary about the world. You should not let apprehensions kill you and instead share them with your close ones. Sharing what you have in mind will make you feel good. Don't let negative thoughts take control over you.
Convince yourself that there's more to life and education than that particular college which rejected you. One should always learn from the mistakes, and use the rejection letter as a tool to improve yourself for the upcoming challenges in life. When things don't work your way, it is best to think that something better awaits in life.

Think and Plan for the Future...

Being rejected means something went wrong and did not work in your stride. You thus have to stop sulking and start thinking about the future course of action. Your future steps can be reapplying to the same college or university or you can take admission to some other college.
It will be helpful to take the advice of your teachers in deciding your future actions. But as a first step you should contact the proper officials and inquire about the rejection letter. You can ask the officials the reason you were rejected and then work on that.
If you think you have it in you to study and work hard, and also if you are ready to put in effort, reapplication should make a better option.

Don't Let Your Confidence Down...

Don't let the rejection hamper your confidence and self-esteem. In a situation like this, think about your past achievements, be them in any field. You are a worthy person and with some effort have the ability to do better. Believe in yourself and don't let the situation affect your frame of mind to any extent.
Some thoughtless people might demotivate you and say that you did not prepare well or did not study hard, etc, etc. But more than anything else you should listen to your self belief and keep yourself motivated.
It is difficult to live with the feeling of being rejected from the college you had dreamed of studying in. But it is wrong if you let the situation hamper your self-esteem and confidence. It is your mindset that counts for success in life. So don't take the college rejection as the end of world and maintain a positive frame of mind, strong belief in your abilities and hard work. With these qualities no one can deny you success in life. All the best and stay positive...