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Steps to Start a Drama Club at School

Sucheta Pradhan
Starting a drama club at school can help improve communication skills, and also acquaint students with great plays. This EduZenith post will tell you how to start a drama club at your school.
"The drama is complete poetry. The ode and the epic contain it only in germ; it contains both of them in a state of high development, and epitomizes both."
― Victor Hugo
Drama is a great recreational activity which not only cultivates self-confidence in an individual, but also acts as a mode of self-expression. Starting a drama club at school is a great idea that can help build new friendships and strengthen the older ones.
Plus, it can prove to be a great platform for like-minded people to come together, and create some really innovative and entertaining pieces of performing art. Here's how you can start a drama club at your school.

Steps to Start a Drama Club

Approach your friends, and find out if they are interested in joining the club. This way, you can judge if your idea will work in the long run. For a start, five to ten people is a good number.
Make a rough plan about what activities you wish to do through the club. This is very important for convincing people to be a part of your drama club. Ensure that the activities that you plan for your club are meaningful and productive.
Acquire necessary permissions from concerned authorities in your school. If no such club exists in your school, you can ask your school's principal for permission to start one. Give detailed information about your motive to start such a club, and also about the activities that you have planned. Also, tell how the club would prove beneficial to the school.
Decide an appropriate venue, where you wish to conduct the activities of your club. The kind of venue may depend on the number of members. It can range from somebody's house to the school cafeteria (after school hours), to the school's auditorium.
✿ Once the school grants permission to start a club, you can publicize your plans throughout your school. This can be done through word of mouth or by putting up posters in the school's cafeteria or library. If your school publishes a newspaper, you can put up an advertisement in it. You can also go for the social networking option to promote your plans.
✿ Once you have enough members in your club, make a detailed schedule of your activities, and circulate it among the members. Ensure that the schedule works for everyone, so that each member can participate in the club's activities. For this, ask all members for a convenient time to meet.
✿ Ensure that you strictly adhere to the schedule. Also, see to it that you and your fellow members do not miss out on other important tasks, such as homework, in order to attend the club meetings.
✿ The next step is to arrange for a drama instructor. You can ask your school authorities to arrange for one. If you have a drama department in your school, you can approach the head of the department with your request. A good drama instructor can teach you voice modulation, facial expressions, and so on.
After all this has been organized, you will be ready to select a play, rehearse it with your group, and present it before an audience. You will also need to look after things such as costumes, makeup, and set arrangement, but these will depend on the kind of play that you decide to perform.
Some schools offer extra credits to those who participate in such cultural activities. Setting up a drama club at school will not only enhance your creative thinking, but can also look extremely good on your résumé.