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How to Study for a Test

Amruta Gaikwad
Exam times are never easy. The thought of tests or exams builds up pressure giving rise to a lot of stress and anxiety. Hence, learning to study is a must, so as to maintain mental composure during these times of stress and pressure.
It is normal to feel restless and stressed during exams, but one must not allow it to hinder one's preparations. The time before an exam is filled with tremendous pressure, which ultimately takes a toll on the student's physical and mental health.
However, a little nervousness at the time of tests can sometimes keep you impelled for a few days before and throughout the test. To combat exam fear, students must learn to analyze and understand their syllabus, and spare enough time for preparation. This can help reduce the level of stress, restlessness, and anxiety.
These emotions can divert your attention and make it difficult for you to learn or can even make it hard for you to remember lessons at the time of your test. Hence, learning the knack of studying and memorizing has become vital. There are plenty of tips that can be used by school or college going students to prepare for a test.

Ways to Study for a Test

Chart out a plan

Try to start studying and preparing for the test as early as possible. Once the time of preparation is decided, make a plan on how to go about your studies.

Begin preparation before it is too late

Nobody really wants to study from the beginning of the year until the last minute. At least, you can begin a few months before the test. It will give you sufficient time to learn and read the subjects thoroughly.

Join a study group

This method can help you and the other group members to study well. Exchanging thoughts and opinions makes it easier to understand and learn the answers.

Make notes

Always make your own notes while reading or learning your subjects, as they come in handy during last-minute revisions.
Preparing notes help in better understanding of the topics that are given in the books. You can refer to these notes a day before your exams when you have a huge syllabus to cover.

Take a shot at practice tests

Solve sample papers to boost your confidence levels. This will release all the tension and also encourage you to study well. Solving papers is a good way to figure out your weak points and prevent you from making errors in the test.

Practice writing

Writing takes up most of the time during tests. Practice as much writing as possible while studying. It will increase your writing speed, which will help you consume less time in finishing your answer sheet during exams.

Use reference books

Read from other books which deal with the same topics that you will be preparing for. Reading will give you more knowledge and clear all your confusion regarding the topics you are studying.

Revise and review

After reading, learning, and making notes, do a proper revision of all the answers. Review all the solved papers and keep in mind the mistakes that you tend to make. Revising and reviewing is a complete check on how well you have studied.

Clear your doubts

Even after a thorough revision, if there are any doubts, then try to clear them. Most of the time, many concepts and ideas regarding subjects like mathematics and science remain unclear. Therefore, removing these doubts well before time is important. Take the help of your professors, friends, family, and other reference books to remove all minor doubts.
The main goal of every student is to achieve success. However, in the process of earning success, students ignore their health, and many end up falling ill right before their exams. Other than just preparing and studying well, there are many factors that one should pay attention to.
Students deal with a lot emotional stress and are always feeling dull during exam times. This can be due to external pressures like teachers and parents keeping high expectations, fear of leaving the paper incomplete, or sometimes even the fear of failing in exams. To avoid getting affected by these issues, here are a few more tips .

Effective Ways to Study for a Test

» Keep a positive attitude towards exams. Avoid getting afraid at the thought of exams. Begin early and try to cover the syllabus.
» Keep a stable and calm mind, and you will notice that nothing can affect you. A calm mind helps you organize and plan your studies, and manage time well.

» Take breaks or go to play for a short time before you start studying. This will keep your mind fresh and stimulate you to study for long hours.
» Try not to memorize everything that you have studied. If you forget a word from the answer, you will forget the entire answer. Hence, understanding is more important than memorizing. Once you have understood the answer, there won't be any requirement to learn it by heart.
» Take some time off and relax. You can read other books or listen to some soothing music to calm yourself down before the exam.
Tests are important, as they judge the students on how much they have understood the syllabus. Making a proper timetable is necessary and an appropriate step towards facing a better time during the exams.