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Persuasive Speech Topics

Madhavi Ghare
A speech that helps the speaker convince the listener about something is persuasive speaking. There are a lot of topics that qualify under this genre.
A speech devised and presented to assure or influence the listener is termed as "persuasive discussion". This is the kind of speech that presents a point of view that is different from what is commonly thought about a topic and thus, opens up an avenue for discussion and debate.
Have you ever noticed, how we engage ourselves knowingly or unknowingly to persuasive speaking on a daily basis? Think about it! Day in and day out either we are trying to convince someone about something or someone else is trying to convince us.
Persuasive speeches are the oldest forms of communication being used for centuries by politicians and advertisers. They argue for a change to the existing situation and sway the crowd to believe and support them to see that change become a reality.


  • Convey a strong, clear and to-the-point message.
  • Be thorough with the facts, values and reasoning.
  • Draw the audience's attention logically, with the help of examples and personal experiences.
  • Complete the discussion with a powerful impression and a strong conclusion.
In such conferences, you are trying to assure the audience to agree with your facts, principles, discussions and conclusions and convincing them to adapt to your way of thinking.
Persuading an audience that your conclusions are built on the agreed-upon concepts is a very crucial mark to accomplish. Communicating and sharing your principles with confidence is the key to establishing your side of the debate.


There are many things that go into the dynamics of giving a valuable persuasive speech. From how you stand, how you talk, your rate of speech, use of hands, eye contact to what subject or topic you choose are all factors equally and practically important while delivering a speech.
First, come up with a subject that means something to you, a topic that you are comfortable with. This way, you will know the details well enough to talk about it confidently in front of others. But don't choose a subject that you are too sensitive about, because it will make you too emotional to approach the topic with a realistic and rational mind.
Also make sure that the topic you choose is not too offensive, you are there to debate upon a controversy, not to hurt people's feelings or sentiments by getting personal. Select a topic that is current and debatable.
Search for interesting topics online through news websites, encyclopedias, yearbooks, browse through the newspaper or talk about a controversial movie or a book or maybe some scientific concept and its doubtful theories and then choose the one that interests you.

Question Yourself

Once you select a topic ask these questions to yourself:
  • Does this topic make sense?
  • Am I convinced?
  • Will this convince others?
  • Will they understand my values and agree with my facts?
  • Am I doing justice to the topic?
  • Have I researched and read the topic thoroughly?
  • Is my message comprehended in the right manner?


For Middle School Students

Pros and cons of consuming coffee and coffee products by minors

Consequences of using candy as reward

Wasting food: We are what we waste
Is experimenting on animals morally acceptable?

Do superstitions still exist?

Should schools make uniforms compulsory?

Global warming - fact or fiction?

What kind of pet is right for your family?
The advantages of growing your own food

Can pets sense supernatural activity?

Co-ed school Vs. single-sex school

Are psychics (mind-readers) real or fake?
Extraterrestrial beings exist - is it a fact or myth?

Cell phone radiation and its effects on health

Should children with good grades be paid?

Bermuda Triangle is a fact or a myth?
Celebrities as role models

Are we doing enough to stop bullying?

What are the causes and remedies of bullying?
Pros and cons of barter system

People who abandon/abuse pets should be imprisoned?

Are we growing up too fast?

Is television a bad influence exposing us to violence, hatred, lust and jealousy seen in several music videos today?
Myths and facts about ecotourism

Do we have the right to keep animals as pets?

For High School Students

Does playing computer or video games affect an individual's social development?

Homeschooling: Good or Bad?

Is our time on earth coming to an end?
Are exams the only form of analysis available today?

Is euthanasia the best alternative?

Advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites
Should wrestling/boxing be banned?

Are modern-day relationships complicated or compromised?

Can media manipulate our viewpoint?
Is the fashion industry promoting eating disorders in our society?

Should girls be allowed to play in boys' sports teams?

Is Internet dating harmful?

Do self-help books really help?

Should tipping for service be banned?
Should immigration laws be severed/relaxed?

Should an AIDS test be made compulsory before marriage?

Are Halloween and Day of the Dead same or different?

Fad diets do more harm than good
Which city is the financial capital of the world: New York or London?

Domestic versus International adoption: Which one is better?

Should teenage dating be encouraged?
Is shopping online really cheaper?

Death penalty versus life in prison

Are there any ambiguities and loopholes in science?

The Endangered Species Act - is it enough?
Does using mouthwash really cause cancer?

Hypnosis to quit smoking - Does it really work?

For College Students

Natural disasters: Are they signs of how violent nature can get or are they really punishment from God?

Is money a master or a servant?
Do all medical and scientific research improve public health?

Online teaching should be given equal importance as regular teaching

Surrogacy should be encouraged

Are dating sites safe?
Do space programs benefit anyone?

Impact of oil spills in oceans

Importance of freedom of speech

Does luck play an important part in the success of a person?
Should there be a censor board for the Internet?

Is beauty skin-deep?

Abortion: a way out or a necessary measure?

Vegetarianism versus Non-vegetarianism

Beauty pageants for kids: A childhood lost
Infidelity: is it pardonable?

The necessity of HIV/AIDS awareness

Family violence is a major cause of relationship breakups

Pros and cons of censorship

Benefits of no alcohol
Overpopulation: Its problems and solutions

Nuclear energy - for or against?

Free trade or fair trade - Which one is better?
Advantages and disadvantages of decentralization

Pros and cons of mobile banking

Do social networking sites cause depression?

Advantages and disadvantages of Internet marketing
Are women and men finally equal?

Do cigarette warning labels work?

Is cell phone jamming legal?

Is premature birth hereditary?
The whole idea here is to spark off a healthy debate. To build a conversation, present the 'pros and cons' of the subject. Decide on what side you want to represent - for or against - and then research on it inside out, so that you can answer all the questions directed to you properly.
Now that you have outlined your speech try and approach the problem with a descriptive solution. Gain the attention of your audience by suggesting an alternative approach to the said problem. Practice and rehearse at least 2-4 times alone as well as in front of family and friends.
If you find difficulty in memorizing your speech, try writing keywords of each sentence on flash cards. Overcome nervousness, relax and take a deep breath, look up and stand comfortably to address the crowd. Start your speech at a slow and relaxed pace, and think of your speech as an important message that you have to tell everyone.
A persuasive speech is not a war. It is a wonderful method of conveying unusual and different points of view, statistics and quotations to the listeners who gain an insightfully changed perspective about a topic. So focus on getting your message comprehended in the right manner. Remember to smile and do well!