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School Sports and Leisure Activities

Manali Oak
Sports and leisure activities are an important part of schooling. They serve as breathers in the hectic school schedule that today's kids are burdened with. For more on this, read on.
Schooling is not only about studying but also about having fun. Education is best imparted, if learning is made fun.
It is very important for the education authorities to ensure that students are not overburdened with the school curriculum and are able to devote sufficient time for their overall development. It is thus important for school officials to encourage the active participation of students in sports.
These activities at school act as effective stress busters and also help create an environment that is conducive to the general growth and development of young minds. There are myriads of sports and leisure activities that can be planned for school students. Take a look at some of them.

School Sports

Sports are an essential constituent of a school curriculum. Irrespective of the grade a student is studying in, sports are a must. And it is needless to state the importance of sports in school.
They help in fostering the much-needed team spirit among students. They help in inculcating a sportsman spirit in them and serve as an effective way of bringing together, children from diverse cultural backgrounds.
★ Gymnastics, swimming competitions, tennis and badminton tournaments, cricket and soccer matches and inter-class sports events can be organized in schools.
★ Sports enthusiasts can participate in these events, while those not participating can be a part of the cheering team.

★ Kids are sure to enjoy activities like cycling and running races, skating, and fun games like tug of war.
School sports need not be limited to the school playground. Outdoor camps and picnics are great choices of fun activities.
★ You can organize team games and outdoor sports on picnics and make school trips a fun-filled and learning experience for the students.
★ You can arrange camping activities for students or take them on a mountaineering or rock climbing expedition.
★ You could have them participate in extreme sports. In this case though, it should be ensured that the required safety measures are taken. Adventure sports involve a risk.

Leisure Activities at School

Wondering how schooling is associated with the word 'leisure'? Well, you are mistaken if you believe that schooling is only about class assignments and homework. School education is much more than that.
In fact, it is about helping the students learn the important lessons of life. It aims at their overall development which includes inculcating good values in them.
Devoting their entire day to only studies, defeats the purpose of effective school education. It is very important to incorporate some leisure or recreational activities in the school's weekly schedule.
★ You can organize yoga sessions and meditation exercises for children, thus introducing them to the proper means of relaxation.
★ Loud-reading sessions and library exercises are good leisure activities in school. In fact, devote 1 hour per week for reading. Take them to the library and encourage them to explore different books.
★ As a variation to the library hour, you can organize a session wherein the students are allowed to browse through educational websites and Internet portals.
★ Music and dance classes are excellent options for leisure activities at school.
★ You can also arrange art and craft or clay work lessons, thus trying to discover the creativity hidden in the children.

★ You might like to organize brainstorming sessions and mental games for students.
★ Fun games and team building activities are the best means of engaging young minds in leisure activities, while also enabling a good utilization of their time.
Sports and leisure activities are about making a fruitful use of time in a creative way. They are the best means to find hidden talent, cultivate bright minds and encourage innovation.
School years are the founding years of one's life. They need to be supplemented with fun and excitement so that children make an ideal beginning to the life's journey ahead.