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Time Management Techniques for Students

Mukta Gaikwad
Time is a luxury, which no one can avail. Thus, it's important that we save time from the very beginning of any project or task. Learning few time management techniques can go a long way in helping your child stay focused and produce an outcome that matches expectations.
Management is largely about pushing and molding your mind to attain the desired results. It's just another mind game, which needs a little trick of push and pull to control the mind to accomplish predetermined targets.
Procrastination and lack of self-actualization needs, leads to mismanagement of time among students. They are young, dynamic, and flexible in thought, which is what works in the favor of parents and teachers to shape students' understanding towards management skills. Management techniques have to imbibed at a young age, to reap its benefits throughout life.

Mission Statement

It's important that students are taught the need to decide a mission in their nascent stages. Goals can only be achieved if they are set beforehand. Thus, help your child set an objective or a goal for the given academic year.
Now it's in your hands to help the child achieve realistic goals. Setting realistic goals is necessary, because if preposterous ones fail, it will discourage the child immensely. Once, the goal is set, write it down as a mission statement. For example, the mission statement for this academic year is: 'I will score an A in every subject'.

In the Nick of Time

Time management skills for students will teach them to value time more than ever. Help your child to get organized in all spheres of life, by making a small effort everyday. Begin with packing the school bag the previous night, so that morning time is saved for having a breakfast.
Make a 'to-do' list for the week and stick to it. Fix a timetable, that will be a constant reminder of stipulated hours for homework, play, classes, and enough leisure time.

Prioritizing Needs

As adults, we are always choosing between this or that. Sometimes, it's a tough call to make. However, taking a note of these tips for students, will help your child to take such decisions quickly and with ease.
Simple things, like watching TV, attending a birthday party, finishing homework, completing projects, and spending time with the family are the premise of a child's life. They may not seem much to us. However, they are a very important for the child's social and emotional well-being.
Thus, teach your child to prioritize needs, by asking them to choose between what is more important. Decide the importance of a certain need by adjudicating its repercussions, if not done on time. This is where it becomes a real 'mind game' of pushing it, to pull a little weight.

Shed the Load

Many times, we expect a lot from our children. We expect them to be good dancers, great athletes, proficient dramatists, and brilliant academicians all rolled in one. Were you like this? No, none of us were. So, why live your unfinished dream through your child?
Save your child's time by shedding the extra load, so that it's better utilized for a chosen recreational activity. As you child will begin saving time, he/she will get a chance to devise their ways of time management. These self-made time management strategies will develop for better as your child grows up.
These techniques for students help them live a life beyond the classroom and pursue hobbies, because they are not bogged down by pending homework and deadlines. By managing time they will be able to study effectively and efficiently.
As we conclude, the quote that summarizes the subject perfectly is, 'failing to plan, is planning to fail'. Plan and manage your time well, as its limited, with a unlimited possibilities to explore.