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Why Australia Is the Best Place to Study

Sandeep Kumar
Australia’s law promotes quality education and protection for international students. You can study all stages of education from primary, secondary, vocational education and training and higher education, in Australia.


The geography of Australia encompasses a wide variety of biogeographic regions, being the world’s smallest continent but the sixth-largest country in the world. The population of Australia is concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts.
It is one of the most popular study destinations In the world. Here, a diverse range of study options is available for international students, with more than 1,200 institutions and 22,000 courses to choose from.

New South Wales

New South Wales is a state on the east coast of Australia abbreviated as NSW. The capital city of New South Wales in Sydney. The estimated population of NSW was 7.8 million in March 2017, making it the most populated state of Australia.
Primarily, 11 universities operate in New South Wales. The University of Sydney was founded in 1850 is Australia’s first university. It is the largest and highest-ranked university in New South Wales. Macquarie University, the University of Western Sydney and University of New South etc. are among the best Universities.


Victoria is a state in the south-east of Australia abbreviated as Vic. It is the second-most populated state. In the current scenario, a Victorian school education consists of seven years of primary schooling and six years of secondary schooling. It has 9 universities.
The University of Melbourne was the first university to offer degrees. In 1855, it enrolled its first student. Victoria has 18 government-run technical and further education institutions. In 2004, about 480,700 students enrolled in vocational education programs in the state.


Queensland is the third-most populated and second-largest state in Australia abbreviated Qld. It is situated in the north-east of the country. In 1909, Queensland’s first university, the University of Queensland was established.
It ranks among the top 100 universities in several global rankings. James Cook University, Griffith University, Bond University, Central Queensland University and the University of Southern Queensland, etc. are some of the best universities in Queensland.

Western Australia

Western Australia lies in the southern hemisphere abbreviated as WA. Western Australia follows a three-tier education system, consisting of primary education, secondary education, Technical and Further Education (TAFE).
For Study in Australia
It has five universities including the Curtin University, University of Western Australia, Murdoch University and Edith Cowan University, and one Fremantle based private university, The University of Notre Dame.

South Australia

South Australia is the fourth largest of Australia’s states and territories abbreviated as SA is a state in the southern central part of Australia.