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Why Should You Not Drop Out of College

Dropping out of college isn’t a shortcut to success.
Gaurav Kadam Mar 5, 2024
College forces you out of your comfort zone and prepares you for the real world out there.
The assignments, internships, and the coursework in college helps boost your portfolio.
College imparts skills and knowledge that will be beneficial for your career.

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Your job profile depends upon your education.
It helps you to meet recruiters and build industry connections which may not be the case if you’re a dropout.

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College courses demand you to work in teams. It teaches you collaboration and teamwork.

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Living all by yourself, you become mature adults and learn to take life's tough decisions.
Submitting homework on time and reaching the lecture hall before the teacher arrives, college gives you a crash course in efficient time management.
With limited resources, you learn to manage your money well which helps you in the long run.

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The best part about going to college is the memories that you make with your friends which last a lifetime.
College life makes you good at handling tough situations and dealing with people that you might not always like.
Don’t get beguiled by the success of Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. You may not be as lucky as them.
If you find the college or the subject difficult, instead of dropping out, simply choose the one that you like.
Quitting isn’t the solution to any problem. Talk to your parents, elders, teachers, and counselors. Face it!